The backpack, within the dream scene, represents the load of responsibility that the dreamer has in real life.

Very heavy baggage on your shoulders, which therefore creates discomfort and which you cannot easily support, could indicate the need to resolve a difficult situation or problem. Let's see the meanings in detail:

  • Dreaming of a backpack indicates strength, protection, stubbornness, movements, and changes. Play number 20.
  • Dreaming of an empty backpack promises financial problems. Play number 45.
  • Dreaming of a full backpack indicates that the economic situation is bound to improve. Play number 10.
  • Dreaming of carrying a backpack warns that the dreamer will win a judicial matter that has kept him in suspense for a long time. Play number 58.
  • Dreaming of filling a backpack warns the dreamer that with patience and perseverance, he will reach the goal he has set for himself. Play number 69.
  • Dreaming of seeing a backpack indicates that everything will work out according to the wishes of the dreamer. Play number 48.